Saturday, July 20, 2013

Google & Swag, Oh My! Google’s “California Get Your Business Online Workshop" Comes to Santa Barbara

Google sent some of their top talent to Santa Barbara on Monday to offer free web hosting for a year and enlighten folks on growing their small business on the web.  Google shared tips on maximizing search engine efficiency, since nearly 98% of people looking for businesses look online first and 62% of businesses do not have a website.

Business owners, community leaders, and career-savvy individuals like Proven Strategies Marketing CEO Keith Yeager enjoyed a lively seminar at the cool and comfortable Canary Hotel in beautiful downtown Santa Barbara.  Upon arrival, we were each presented with cool Google mesh/silky bags in various colors containing free goodies (like Google pens).  My bag was yellow.  Once given our swag and personalized badges, we were ushered into the sacred temporary tech chamber, a makeshift Google workspace.  No slides between floors, but certainly a vibrant energy. Plus, we were treated to jars of jellybeans as well as pastries, juice, coffee, tea, and water with lemon.  Not the famed Google kitchen, but certainly a nice spread for the event.  Smooth jazz and light pop sounds filled the air.  After we snacked and sipped and networked, we then moved to individual workstations set up with clean notebook computers for each participant.

As we took our seats, the music changed to a more dramatic and dynamic sound track and the Blue Shirt Team of Google experts entered the room, accompanied by the television lights and camera courtesy of KCOY-TV’s ace reporter Christian Hartnett (check out my interview which aired that evening).  The blue shirt Google gurus had come from California cities Mountain View and Venice. 
The great thing about this was its interactivity.  The presenters from Google demonstrated their points with very professional and engaging visual aids on various SEO topics, and there were tech helpers stationed throughout the room to answer questions and lead participants through the examples and exercises.  The main topics included:

Get your business online

Grow your business online (1 hour)
Learn the basics of how other people find your business online, with methods like search engine optimization (SEO), web analytics and more

Run your business more efficiently with online tools, including applications for improving collaboration and communication.

Create a business listing on #Google (30 minutes)
Help customers find you on
Help customers find you via Google maps, Google Plus, and on mobile devices.

Build your free website (1.5 hours)
Google walked us through the steps required to create and publish a website for our business using Intuit Site builder
Each person was set up with a free website account, registered a domain name (“address” on the web), selected a website template and learned how to customize it; and learned how to publish (take online, or go “live”) the completed website

I have to say I learned a few steps to improve my own website with great tips that I received from Google’s Brita, Wayne, and Matt. I want to especially thank Scott Levitan for taking time to so thoroughly answer my questions afterwards.  We discussed the “pay per click” advantages.  And Scott’s pre-work provided the room the dynamic and upbeat atmosphere.

You can’t go wrong with Google, the masters of the search. Yes, you’re taught how to build a free website, and yes there are ways to upgrade services at a price.  Using their tools will only make your online presence stronger, and I would hope that translates into more profits for you. Give Google’s website builder a try.

Until next time – go well, be well, and stay well!

Keith Yeager – Proven Strategies Marketing
Photos from the event
Keith Yeager is the CEO Proven Strategies: Marketing, Business and Communications Services

1 comment:

  1. It was interesting! If you want to grow your business in the online marketplace then you will have to give your competitors a hard time and it is only possible with the high quality marketing tactics that are implemented carefully. At the moment, I am just using social media and Google Adwords Campaign Management services and have been getting awesome outcome.
